
Selected Academic Awards:

  • Best Paper Award at IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Computing and Networking (ISICN) 2024.
  • The 2023 Outstanding ECE Research Award of the University of Utah.
  • The 2022 Outstanding ECE Teaching Award of the University of Utah.
  • Listed as one of the Top 15% Undergraduate Teachers of the College of Engineering at the University of Utah for Fall 2021.
  • Best Paper Award at IEEE Globecom 2021.
  • Listed as one of the Top 15% Undergraduate Teachers of the College of Engineering at the University of Utah for Fall 2020.
  • IEEE 2019 Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award for best paper in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 2019.
  • Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Communications (2016-2018).
  • Best Paper Award for IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2015.
  • Best Student Paper Award for IEEE European Wireless (EW) 2010 conference.
  • Student Travel Grant Award for IEEE INFOCOM 2010